Gracie Girl is on medical hold, but we are accepting applications.
Gracie Girl (racing name Chevy) – Littermate to Grady Girl, and born from an oops litter! Daddy might have been the handsome labrador next door! Born 10/4/2022, so not even 2 years old. Weighs 50#. White with red spots. Gracie is on medical hold while she undergoes heartworm treatments to get better. When training to be a field trial racer, Gracie Girl only ran around on her home (private) track. She would not even run a Green Green race at a real event. But her racing name was Chevy.
Therefore she was raised to just become a pet. Gracie and Grady (and the rest of the litter) were raised in a heated garage. The owners would go out and sit in the garage with them. They were almost pottie trained, and would go to the door to go outside. They were crate trained at night. They knew basic commands like sit and stay. Gracie Girl is cat safe. Updates will be posted on Facebook.