JD (Jack) is a 6-year-old field trial racing greyhound. A greyhound lurcher.  He was born 4/23/2017. He retired in February 2024. He weighs 85 pounds. This guy is Mr. Personality! He loves people, and does well with large hounds that can appreciate his playful exuberance. He does play bows, even to his people. He love, love, loves thick braided rope toys. His nose problem is almost healed at this time! (JD has some problems with his nose that took a while to diagnose correctly. At first the field trial owners assumed it was severe allergies causing a crustiness. It ended up to be a nose fungus – which is NOT contagious, but looked awful- that he picked up from snooting thru the grounds of rural Cincinnati. This fungus is common in the south, but only recently started popping up in this area of Ohio.)  He is the sweetest boy and loves attention from people. He was also treated successfully for Lyme disease.